RESPIRA Breathwork App
Breathwork Binaural Waveform


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Symphonic Breathwork App

Discover the art of breathwork techniques, woven into psychoacoustic soundscapes.

Respira Breathwork AppBreathwork TimerBreathing ExercisesStress Relief
Symphonic Breathwork

Rhythmic Resonance

Guided Breathwork Journeys through Diverse Soundscapes.

Breathe with Intention: Our Guided Breathwork Sessions introduce you to a vast spectrum of breathwork techniques. Explore alternate nostril breathing for balance, deep abdominal breathing for core engagement, and circular breathing for continuous energy flow. Our Therapeutic Soundscapes are designed to complement your breathing pattern, deepening the impact of each session.

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Breath Timer

Cadence Timer

A Symphony of Breath

Craft your personal rhythm with our Cadence Timer, featuring presets for box breathing, diaphragmatic breathing, and a 4-7-8 breathing pattern for relaxation. Enhance your sessions with calming nature sounds, focusing brainwaves, or our curated music selection, each encouraging a deep breath for full engagement.

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Respira Breathwork App Breath Holds

Breath-Hold Timer

Expand Your Limits

Develop mental resilience and enhance blood flow with the RESPIRA app's Breath-Hold Timer. Challenge yourself with breathwork techniques like circular breathing, pushing your limits while tracking your progress. Practice breathwork with us and notice the benefits of breathwork unfold, as you cultivate steadiness and build endurance.

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Respira Breathwork App Music
Binaural Soundscapes

Harmonic Soundscapes

Attune Your Breath

Let our Harmonic Soundscapes guide you through deep breathing exercises and diaphragmatic breathing, tuning your mind to a state of heightened awareness and improved mental health. Experience the serenity that comes from practicing breathwork with our unique sonic backdrops, guiding you to the present moment.

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The Science of Breathwork

Enhancing Mental Health

10,000+ Users
50+ Symphonic Sessions
4 Fundemental Categories

Unlock the profound benefits of breathwork for mental health with every session. Our breathwork techniques, backed by science, not only foster mental health improvements but also enhance focus and emotional balance. Discover how alternate nostril breathing and belly breathing can support your mental health journey.

Dive into deep breathing and relaxation techniques that transform your daily routine. From diaphragmatic breathing to circular breathing, our app teaches you breathing techniques that promote mental health and well-being. Practicing breathwork regularly opens up a world of benefits, from nurturing your autonomic nervous system to anchoring you in the present moment.

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What is Respira?

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Respira is a guided symphonic breathwork app that elevates your breathing technique and mental health through controlled breathing and meditation. Our unique approach combines psychoacoustic soundscapes with intentional breathing practices to enhance your well-being.

Guided Symphonic Breathwork: Breathe to the Beat
Discover tranquility and stress reduction with Respira's symphonic breathwork sessions. Our distinctive breathing technique, influenced by methods like holotropic breathwork, guides you to a calm state, engaging your parasympathetic nervous system to foster the body's relaxation response.

Anchor Your Breath
Allow our guiding voice to lead your breathing practice, aligning your breath's cadence with gentle, rhythmic prompts, and invoking the fight or flight response's counterpart for stress management.

Musical Immersion
Experience a musical journey designed to support breath control and deep breaths. Our scores blend ambient and cinematic sounds to enhance your breathwork session, encouraging slow breathing to regulate blood pressure and promote mental health conditions.

How does it work?

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Discover the enchanting synergy of breath and melody with our symphonic breathwork sessions, offering a distinctive breathing exercise that paves the way to tranquility.

Anchor Your Breath
Embrace the guiding voice as it leads you, aligning your breath's cadence with the gentle prompts.

Musical Immersion
Be enveloped by the embrace of ambient and cinematic scores, each note meticulously tuned to augment your breathing exercise. Inhale deeply and surrender to the harmonious symphony, allowing it to dissolve stress and escort you to a realm of peace and heightened mindfulness.

Respira Music

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Our music orchestrates each breathwork session to harmonize with your breathing pattern, from the soothing tones that activate the parasympathetic nervous system to the invigorating sounds that awaken the sympathetic nervous system.

What are the benefits of practicing breathwork regularly?

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Breathwork practice offers a multitude of potential health benefits that are substantiated by scientific studies. By engaging in different types of breathwork like slow breathing or controlled techniques such as 4-7-8 breathing, you can improve breath control and stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps in stress reduction and lowering stress hormones. Holotropic breathwork and other intentional breathing practices provide emotional release and enhance self-awareness, contributing to better management of mental health conditions. Regular breathwork can also aid in managing blood pressure, reducing anxiety, and fortifying the fight or flight response to stress. Incorporating breathwork into your daily routine can lead to a balanced heart rate, improved stress and anxiety management, and overall emotional and physical well-being.

What types of breathwork can I explore with Respira?

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Respira offers a rich array of breathing styles, designed to cater to various needs and preferences. Our controlled breathing techniques, such as 4-7-8 breathing and box breathing, are perfect for stress management and inducing the body's relaxation response. For those seeking a deeper connection and emotional release, practices like holotropic breathwork and coherence breathing provide a pathway for self-awareness and mental health improvements. Our sessions also include intentional breathing styles like humming, chanting, and lion's breath, which are excellent for activating the parasympathetic nervous system to reduce anxiety and manage stress hormones. Whether you're incorporating breathwork into your daily routine or seeking potential health benefits, each breathwork session guides you through precise inhale and exhale sequences to regulate heart rate and blood pressure, offering a reprieve from stress and anxiety.

How does breath control contribute to stress management?

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Breath control is a fundamental aspect of breathwork that directly impacts stress management. By consciously altering the rate, depth, and pattern of breathing, you engage the autonomic nervous system—specifically activating the parasympathetic nervous system (responsible for the body's relaxation response) and quieting the sympathetic nervous system (associated with the fight or flight response). This transition helps mitigate the production of stress hormones, leading to reduced anxiety and a calmer mental state. Regularly practicing controlled breathing techniques, such as slow breathing and 4 7 8 breathing, can significantly improve your body's ability to handle stress and promote a sense of tranquility.

Can breathwork affect blood pressure and heart rate?

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Yes, breathwork can have a beneficial effect on both blood pressure and heart rate. Techniques like slow breathing and box breathing encourage you to take deep breaths, which can help to lower blood pressure by promoting relaxation and enabling the blood vessels to widen. Moreover, coherent breathing and other rhythmic breathing practices have been shown to harmonize heart rate variability, leading to a more resilient cardiovascular system. Scientific studies have demonstrated that engaging in daily breathwork sessions can contribute to long-term cardiovascular health and stability.

Is Respira free to use?

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Respira offers a free version with basic features. For expanded access and premium content, a subscription is available on a lifetime or annual basis.

Is Respira suitable for beginners?

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Absolutely! Designed for all experience levels, Respira offers beginner-friendly sessions with clear instructions, making it ideal for starting your breathwork journey.

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